The President's Pen | February 2017
Dear Neighbors,
I promised in last month's Smoke Signal to keep you updated on our progress with respect to the retention pond restoration. The Board recently hired One Environmental Group to test the organic material resident within the pond. The report back was very positive. The pond's organic material exceeded both the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and even the most stringent criteria for Protection of Ecological Receptors and Groundwater standards, indicating that it consists of very safe and rich natural nutrients. This correlates well with the reports received back from neighbors who took the opportunity last spring to take some of the organic material removed then for use in their own gardens. They reported that their gardens grew like gangbusters! Additionally, members of the Board met with York County officials who indicated that they will allow us to remedy the pond situation in our own way, without interference from them.
As I stated in the previous Smoke Signal, we are blessed with the benefit of living in a terrific neighborhood with a community of many great folks whose involvement only makes our neighborhood better. One such volunteer, Angela Reeves, has graciously agreed to coordinate the Running Man Community Yard Sale again this year. This year the yard sale in scheduled for May 6, so mark your calendars. It may seem like a long time down the road, but it's really just around the corner. Start identifying those things that you no longer need or want so the date doesn't sneak up on you and you'll be ready!
Again, this is our neighborhood and your involvement can only make us better. If you have some time available and you would like to contribute, let us know!
Eric Todhunter
RMCA President