Our team depends on the generous support of sponsors. We rely heavily on the time and efforts of our families as well as the community. To be the successful summer swim team that we have been since 2000, the Manta Rays need your support, whether you are a local business or an individual! If you would like to be a Running Man Manta Ray Sponsor, please fill out the form below.
Equally important, RMMR sponsors foster a sense of local community and business support for the efforts and achievements of Running Man swimmers and their families.
Your business benefits by having access to:
Daily contact with over 100 swimmers and their families
Sanctioned member of the Greater Peninsula Swimming Association (GPSA)
Running Man hosts approximately 5 home meets each season with about one hundred spectators at each meet
The team usually participates in 8-10 swim competitions – including one of the Peninsula’s largest competitions – GPSA City Championship
Active segment in neighborhood community newsletter reaching 90% of Running Man families
Active website

Platinum Sponsor
($600 or more)
Company logo on the HOME page of the team website.
Bigger company logo on the TOP of the official team t-shirt
Company logo and reciprocal link on the sponsors page of the team website.
Company recognition by announcer at each home meet.
Company provided materials passed out at home meets (rack cards, business cards etc.)
Company logo at the TOP of the banner that hangs outside the pool all season long.
Company recognition at the annual team recognition banquet.
Company provided materials passed out at swim team banquet.
Opportunity to come to a swim meet to set up a table to advertise.
Gold Sponsor
Company logo on the HOME page of the team website.
Company logo and reciprocal link on the sponsors page of the team website.
Company recognition by announcer at each home meet.
Company logo on back of team t-shirt.
Company recognition at the annual team recognition banquet.
Silver Sponsor
Company logo on the HOME team website.
Company logo and reciprocal link on the sponsors page of the team website.
Company recognition by announcer at each home meet.
Bronze Sponsor
Company listed on the sponsors page of the team website.
Company recognition at the annual team recognition banquet.


